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How Chatbots can improve Website Performance

How Chatbots can improve Website Performance

Chatbots optimise website performance by being a highly-available and highly-reliable customer-business conduit. Chatbots started gaining traction in early 2016 when Google bought API.ai and turned it into DialogFlow. Business Community realised that Chatbots could be leveraged and optimised to deliver much more than visitor engagement.

Evolution of Websites as a means of sales and Marketing:

Back in the early 2000s, websites used to be a luxury for a business, such as online visiting or information cards. Only a few handful businesses had them. However, in the late 2010s, websites became a rage as businesses saw websites as a medium of marketing and advertisement, and websites became a "must-have."

Companies adopted various strategies to get maximum visitor exposure. Businesses started designing and developing websites as engines of growth and sustainability. Businesses also found that having a website as a marketing channel had the lowest customer acquisition cost (CAC) and a dream ROI.

However, businesses soon realised that the average attention of a 'netizen' was small, and the company's value proposition had to be conveyed to the visitor in less than two minutes. So businesses wrote blogs, added attractive-socially sharable pictures, Video-blogs were added - nothing worked as well as having a help desk on the website—a Chatbox with a human resource interacting with the visitor.

Having a chatbox helped businesses establish an accessible, low-tech communication channel with the visitor. However, this solution was expensive. Having a chatbox active 24/7 required at least three resources working round the clock. Moreover, there was always a chance of these resources not being attentive and responsive to the visitor.

Chatbot for Website performance enhancement:

Bounce Rate Reduction:
Bounce rate is the rate of website visitors who 'bounce' off from the landing page without performing any action. It is a critical metric that indicates engagement on the website. By deploying a Chatbot, the visitor bounce rate comes down drastically. A business's value proposition gets conveyed consistently, and as a result, more visitors become a marketing-qualified lead.


Dwell Time Increments: Dwell time is the average time a visitor spends on a website. Dwell time can be viewed as a converse to Bounce rate. Dwell time too indicates the engagement standards of a website. By having a chatbot engage the visitor, the average dwell time increases.


Perfect Visitor Engagement: One of the critical factors of a successful online campaign is to engage visitors. The average attention span of a visitor is less than 90 seconds; a visitor should get the information they are looking for in those 90 seconds. Chatbot provides the perfect tool to address visitor queries. By doing so, visitors get acquainted with the business, its value proposition, and in many ways, this brings a sense of security.


Better Ratings: By providing a highly-available and reliable engagement tool, businesses respond to visitor and customer queries better and thereby garner positive reviews for consistent engagement.


Collect Visitor Data: Chatbots work round the clock and are highly-available and highly-reliable. Chatbots don't take off or snack breaks. By engaging visitors and answering their queries, Chatbots establish a relationship. Visitors feel comfortable sharing their personal data.

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